Rose Dream Bouquet

435 649


A bouquet of red roses wrapped in transparent printed cellophane and tied with a red ribbon is a beautiful and elegant gift that would make a lasting impression. The bouquet would consist of several long-stemmed, velvety red roses, each with delicate petals and lush green foliage. The roses would be arranged in a circular shape and bound together with a vibrant red ribbon, creating a bouquet that is both classic and romantic.

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Red Roses

Number of Flowers





Seasonal Green Fillers

  • Available Offers offer icon  

    • Use Coupon Code: CFNY20 to get 20% off
    • Use Coupon Code: CFWCM to get 15% off
    • Use Coupon Code: CF10 to get ₹50 off
  • Delivery Information

    • Green fillers may vary per availability according to the season.
    • The product image shown is for reference only; the actual product may vary in shape and design depending on availability.
    • Flowers may be delivered in the form of full blooms, semi-blooms, or buds, based on freshness.
    • Products will only be delivered to the specified address and will not be redirected elsewhere.
    • Please note, separate orders placed on our platform may arrive at the same time.
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