A bouquet of white gerbera daisies wrapped in colorful paper and tied with a ribbon is a fresh and pure gift that would make a lasting impression. The bouquet would consist of several large, pure white gerbera daisies, each with delicate petals and sturdy stems. The daisies would be arranged in a circular shape and bound together with a ribbon that complements the fresh and vibrant colors of the paper, creating a bouquet that is both clean and cheerful. The pure white color of the gerbera daisies represents innocence, purity, and new beginnings, while the colorful paper and ribbon reinforce the clean and cheerful theme. The ribbon ties the bouquet together, creating a cohesive look and emphasizing the theme of freshness and optimism. This elegant arrangement would be perfect for special occasions like weddings, baby showers, or simply as a way to show someone you care.
Additional information
Flowers | Mixed Flowers |
Number of Flowers | 12 |
Packing | Paper |
Fillers | Seasonal Green Fillers |
Available Offers
- Use Coupon Code: CFNY20 to get 20% off
- Use Coupon Code: CFWCM to get 15% off
- Use Coupon Code: CF10 to get ₹50 off
Delivery Information
- Green fillers may vary per availability according to the season.
- The product image shown is for reference only; the actual product may vary in shape and design depending on availability.
- Flowers may be delivered in the form of full blooms, semi-blooms, or buds, based on freshness.
- Products will only be delivered to the specified address and will not be redirected elsewhere.
- Please note, separate orders placed on our platform may arrive at the same time.