Red Roses With Chocolate

899 1,249


A combo of red roses bouquet and dairy milk would make a perfect gift for someone special. The bouquet of red roses is a classic symbol of love and passion and will be sure to brighten up the recipient’s day. The bouquet features vibrant red roses arranged in a beautiful bouquet that is accented with green leaves and stems. The bouquet is wrapped in cellophane paper with a bow made of red ribbon, giving it a touch of sophistication. Along with the bouquet, a bar of Dairy Milk chocolate is included, adding a sweet touch to the gift. The chocolate bar is creamy and delicious, and the perfect way to show someone how much you care. This combo would be a great gift for Valentine’s Day, an anniversary, or simply to let someone know that you’re thinking of them.

Additional information


Red Roses

Number of Flowers



Dairy Milk

Number of Chocolate


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