Romantic Rose Bouquet

799 999


A bouquet of red roses is a classic and timeless gift that symbolizes love and passion. It typically consists of several long-stemmed red roses, each with delicate petals and lush green foliage. The roses are arranged in a circular shape and tied together at the stems with a ribbon or twine, creating a bouquet that is both elegant and romantic. The deep red color of the roses is said to represent love and desire, making them a popular choice for special occasions like anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or to express heartfelt emotions. The roses are typically fragrant, adding to their beauty and charm. The bouquet could be accompanied by a thoughtful note or card to convey your sentiments.

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Red Roses

Number of Flowers





Seasonal Green Fillers

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    • Use Coupon Code: CFNY20 to get 20% off
    • Use Coupon Code: CFWCM to get 15% off
    • Use Coupon Code: CF10 to get ₹50 off
  • Delivery Information

    • Green fillers may vary per availability according to the season.
    • The product image shown is for reference only; the actual product may vary in shape and design depending on availability.
    • Flowers may be delivered in the form of full blooms, semi-blooms, or buds, based on freshness.
    • Products will only be delivered to the specified address and will not be redirected elsewhere.
    • Please note, separate orders placed on our platform may arrive at the same time.
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